Muhammad Umar Farooq

PhD student

Muhammad Umar Farooq

Research Students, VoiceBase

I am a doctoral student working on multilingual speech recognition systems at VoiceBase center. I received my masters and bachelors degrees in electrical engineering from University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore in 2019 and 2017 respectively. Before enrolling for my Ph.D., I was a pre-doc research intern at Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL), Charles University, Prague where I primarily worked on speech related components of European Live Translator (ELITR). Prior to joining the UFAL, I have been working as speech processing Research Officer at Center for Language Engineering (CLE), UET, Lahore. I joined CLE during my senior year as a speech scientist to develop low resource language technologies.

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Muhammad Umar Farooq; Thomas Hain: Learning Cross-lingual Mappings for Data Augmentation to Improve Low-Resource Speech Recognition. In: Interspeech 2023, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links)
Rehan Ahmad; Md Asif Jalal; Muhammad Umar Farooq; Anna Ollerenshaw; Thomas Hain: Towards Domain Generalisation in ASR with Elitist Sampling and Ensemble Knowledge Distillation. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023, IEEE, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links)


Muhammad Umar Farooq; Darshan Adiga Haniya Narayana; Thomas Hain : Non-Linear Pairwise Language Mappings for Low-Resource Multilingual Acoustic Model Fusion. In: Interspeech 2022, 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Incheon, South Korea, September 18 - 22, 2022, ISCA, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links)
Muhammad Umar Farooq; Thomas Hain : Investigating the Impact of Cross-lingual Acoustic-Phonetic Similarities on Multilingual Speech Recognition. In: Interspeech 2022, 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Incheon, South Korea, September 18 - 22, 2022, ISCA, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links)

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